Winter 2021

This gift parcel is a winter warmer, perfect for those long cold days!

    Inside we promised relaxing gifts that would sooth your mind, body and soul and the perfect pick-me-up for cold mornings... all in a hand posted, beautifully-wrapped gift package!
    Here's what was inside:
    Cable Gloves by Iris & Wool (designed by Emily, Burra SA)
    Emily is a mum of two, who loves making time for her horses and designing fabulous, high quality woolen garments. There isn’t much I can tell you about Emily that wouldn’t sound better coming from her - she was recently featured on the Graziher podcast and it’s a fabulous listen when you have the time. Also, check out Mia Freedman spotlighting her newly named 'Mia Freedman Jeans' and some other merino goods.
    Hot Chocolate by The Humble Cook (mixed by Tara, Uralla NSW)
    My kids are raving fans of this hot chocolate - and I’m not above sneaking mine in after they’re in bed. Tara sources only the freshest ingredients and will always buy local and Australian before heading offshore. If you have a loved one with a sweet tooth, contact Tara for a parcel packed full of her decadent treats.


    Hand cream - Elly B Organic Skincare (crafted by Lel in Armidale, NSW)

    I contacted Lel over twelve months ago to stock this parcel and have been using her skin care products ever since! A mum of two grown girls (both of whom help her from Tasmania and England), Lel runs a skin care clinic in Armidale. Recently, she was also on the Today show! I’m so glad I got in early to introduce Elly B to you before the rest of Australia clues on.

    Wheat packs - Made by Ky (sewn by Kylie from Gippsland, VIC)

    This gift parcel goes out just in time for Kylie to finish her maternity leave (her first is a bouncing baby boy) and get back in front of her sewing machine! The wheat packs I’ve included are her neck/eye pillows but she has two larger sizes available to meet all your warming requirements. Kylie purchases a limited amount of each fabric, so her variety is huge and absolutely gorgeous.